The contribution of the Islamic economy to world economy has experienced a remarkable growth during the past three decades. The Islamic economy size is reaching $2.3 trillion and a growing community of 1.6 billion Muslims. In particular, Islamic finance has been gaining momentum on a global scale, and has been offering profitable opportunities for institutions and individual investors of all sizes. Islamic Finance now represents an important system offering viable innovative alternative models for investment and growth to the conventional financial system which is under significant strain owing to the recent financial crisis.
The current size of global Islamic finance industry assets is estimated at US$2.293 trillion at the end of 2016 growing from US2.143 trillion in the end of the previous year and from US$639 Million almost ten years ago in 2007 and is expected to reach US$ 4 trillion by 2020. Islamic finance services are now being offered by more than 1000 institutions in 75 countries in different regions including Europe, Americas, South Asia, Far East, Africa and Australia. The challenge for the Islamic finance industry remains, however, to achieve the required level of support from governments.
As China expands its economic influence in the Middle East, Islamic finance will gain more prominence in China opening the door for Chinese companies to tap on Islamic Finance capital markets.
Chinese firms face a steep learning curve in Islamic finance, the China-UAE Conference on Islamic Banking and Finance is a step in this direction and a natural outcome of the strategic relationship between China and the UAE. The conference will provide a valuable opportunity for participants from China and all over the world and from different disciplines related to Islamic Banking and Finance to exchange knowledge and practice, and share developments in theory and applications in a knowledge-based economy.
The China-UAE Conference on Islamic Banking and Finance is organised by the Dubai Islamic Economic Development Center, the Dubai Center for Islamic Banking and finance, and the China Association for the Promotion of Development Financing, and China Islamic Finance club and Thomson Reuters as the conference knowledge partner.
Conference Advisory Committee
The Conference advisory committee is established with the purpose to oversee the development of conference provide advice and propose future actions on recommendations emerging from the conference. The committee also serves as a forum for the identification and consideration of issues arising from the conference, promote the conference within their networks, and provide feedback and advice to the conference organizing committee on the conference program and related issues.
The following is the list of committee members (TBC):
Dr. Mansoor Al Awar
MS LEI Huang
Chief Executive Officer
Zhishang inter-culture Communication (Cross Time International Group)
Mr. Abdulla Mohammed Al Awar
Chief Executive Officer
Dubai Islamic Economy Development Centre
Professor Nabil Baydoun
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Emeritus Professor Rodney Wilson
Durham University
Mr. Ali Wong
CEO – Middle East
Zhishang inter-culture communication (Cross Time International Group)
Professor Fahim Khan
Riphah Center of Islamic Business
Professor Datuk Dr. Syed Othman Al Habshi
Chief Academic Officer
Mr. Neil D Miller
Global Head of Islamic finance,
Previous Conferences
- The 1st China-UAE Conference on Islamic Banking and Finance
- The 2nd China-UAE Conference on Islamic Banking and Finance