The Advisory Board of the Dubai Center for Islamic Banking and Finance (DCIBF) Center is an integral part of the activities of the Center. The Board consists of members from key constituencies of the Islamic Banking and Finance community working with the Center to contribute to the continuous development of Islamic Finance industry.

Founder of the Islamic finance programme at Durham University where he continues to be an Emeritus Professor. Visiting Professor at the Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies and Adjunct Professor at the INCEIF, Kuala Lumpur.

Chairman of Riphah Center of Islamic Business, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Served as a director with the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI)

The Global Head of Islamic finance at Linklaters. Led the Islamic finance group at Norton Rose Group. Established an Islamic Finance Centre of Excellence for business consultancy firm KPMG.

Chief Academic Officer of INCEIF. Served in various academic capacities in four public universities in Malaysia.