Chief Academic Officer of INCEIF - Malaysia
- Chief Academic Officer of INCEIF.
- Served in various academic capacities in four public universities in Malaysia.
- Founding President and CEO of Universiti Tun Abdul Razak until March 2005.
- Member of the Board of Directors of Etiqa Takaful Berhad; Pak-Kuwait Takaful Pte Ltd Pakistan; Maybank Islamic Berhad; Prima Prai Sdn Bhd.; Epen Bina Sdn Bhd.; Universiti Teknikal MARA Sdn. Bhd. and Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM).
- Sits on Shariah Advisory Committee for ETIQA Takaful Berhad, Labuan Reinsurance (L) Ltd.; Amanah Mutual Berhad and Singapore Unit Trusts Ltd. (SUT).
- Shariah advisor for Nomura Asset Management Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., a member of the Board of Trustees for Yayasan Bank Rakyat and a Certified Shariah Individual by the Securities Commission of Malaysia.
- Wrote more than 200 papers and edited a total of 12 books.